EU imposes anti-dumping duties on biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia

UFOP considers this a double subsidy

Berlin, 29th May 2013 – In light of an extremely tense biodiesel market in the European Union due to margin pressure and insolvency, the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (Union zur Förderung von Oel- und Proteinpflanzen - UFOP) welcomes the decision of the EU Commission to impose anti-dumping duties on biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia. According to the decision now published in the EU Official Journal, the protective duties will initially be introduced for a period of six months. They amount to about 105 euros per tonne of Biodiesel. In November, the European Commission will decide whether the duties should be introduced for a period of five years.

UFOP now expects that the German government will consider the fact of double funding to be confirmed with the decision by the EU commission and hence the corresponding biodiesel import quantities can no longer be taken into account with respect to the quota obligations in Germany. This regulatory pressure, which in the opinion of UFOP must be applied promptly in all member states, will hopefully bring the required educational effect in the sense of fair competition, says the organisation.

The regulation of the EU commission published in the EU Official Journal is available for download here.